Friday, December 27, 2019

A Brief Note On Wage Gap And The Workplace Gap - 1582 Words

Introduction Wage gap is an important reality that women constantly have to face in their everyday work lives. â€Å"The wage gap is a statistical indicator often used as an index of the status of women’s earnings relative to men’s† (The Wage Gap, 2015). It has been a major issue for many decades and it is often experienced by women in many traditionally male dominated industries. The problem may seem to be diminishing, however there is still a significant gender wage gap that can allow us to see that the issue has yet to be resolved. In addition, this topic is very important for employers and employees to be aware of and for them to know how to handle this issue if it arises. Employers should be aware of wage gap, as they have a responsibility to handle concerns that employees may have about compensation and benefits. Additionally, employers need to make sure that their employees are treated fairly and equally among the workforce. For example, in America â€Å" the Equal Pay Act was signed in 1963, making it illegal for employers to pay unequal wages to men and women who hold the same job and do the same work† (The Wage Gap, 2015). If not, this could lead to many employees leaving the business, and employers could have trouble finding willing candidates to make up for this loss. Furthermore, employers are always in a need to motivate their employees to work harder. In an attempt to motivate employees, wage gap is the opposite path to take for employers and will not make employeesShow MoreRelatedLabor Government Budget Building Australia Future Workforce For Positive Impact On Workforce Re Entry For Long Term Essay1553 Words   |  7 Pagesfor positive impact on workforce re-entry for long-term unemployed and financial incentives for employers through wage connect. †¢ Long term unemployment (exceeding one year) and very long term unemployed (exceeding two years) amongst working aged youth is becoming a disturbing trend within Australia’s workforce. †¢ Dr Lucas Walsh Director of the Foundation for Young Australians notes when manual and educational employment preparation for Australia’s highly competitive workforce depletes, the unemploymentRead MoreA Brief Note On The Universal Declaration Of Human Right Runs3100 Words   |  13 Pagesthe right to equal pay for equal work. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Lavish Lifestyles in The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald

Imagine that the thing you want most in life turns out to be the thing you despise most. Then picture that in order to discover this disillusioning fact, you have to watch other people destroy themselves in the process of achieving you goal. In his novel The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald gives a scathing critique of the lavish and foolish lifestyle of affluent Americans, and of the inanity of the American Dream, the dream of equal opportunity for upward mobility--basically, the dream of wealth. The irony of this is that Fitzgerald himself lived like many of the wealthy character in the book, despite his contempt for the lifestyle. The story, narrated by a man named Nick Carraway, who is an aspirant of wealth, follows the quest of Jay Gatsby for Daisy Buchanan through decadent and frivolous parties, ash filled landscapes, and sinful cities, all during one summer in the 1920’s. Nick is in the East, where the story occurs, seeking his own fortune, when, in an effort to escape loneliness, he becomes involved with several very wealthy people and their childish dramas. By observing their mistakes and their fates, Nick becomes disillusioned about what wealth really means, and thus, in the end, decides to return to the West. Through the desperate striving and crushing disillusionment of key characters, Fitzgerald conveys his belief that the American Dream is an alluring, yet childish illusion. Using both Gatsby and Nick’s attraction to wealth, Fitzgerald shows how the AmericanShow MoreRelatedGreat Gatsby Film Analysis717 Words   |  3 PagesThe Great Gatsby is a 2013 period drama film based on F. Scot Fitzgerald 1925 novel of the same name. The film was co written and directed by Baz Luhrmann and star Leonardo DiCaprio as eponymous Jay Gatsby. Other star casts include Tobey Maguire, Carey Mulligan, Joel Egerton and Elizabeth Debicki. 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Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is a universal and timeless literary masterpiece. Fitzgerald writes the novel during his time, about his time, and showing the bitter deterioration of his time. A combination of the 1920s high society lifestyle and the desperate attempts to reach its illusionary goals through wealth and power creates the essence behind The Great Gatsby. Nick Carraway, the narrator, moves to a quaint neighborhoodRead MoreThere have been many famous American authors; some better than others, but do we know who these1000 Words   |  4 Pageswe know who these people really are? In the case of F. Scott Fitzgerald we saw what he wanted us to see; for instance, a successful career, expensive jewelry and the nice cars. F. Scott Fitzgerald began to write at a young age and he is known for being a brilliant author and with a lavish lifestyle and great success, but his gilded life was often tarnished with alcoholism, overspending, and a sense of failure. Frances Scott Key Fitzgerald was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, on September 24, 1896Read MoreThe Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald845 Words   |  3 PagesIn F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby, colors represent a variety of symbols that relate back to the American Dream. The dream of being pure, innocent and perfect is frequently associated with the reality of corruption, violence, and affairs. Gatsby’s desire for achieving the American Dream is sought for through corruption (Schneider). The American Dream in the 1920s was perceived as a desire of wealth and social standings. Social class is represented through the East Egg, the West

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Strategic Information System Accounting Software Packages

Question: Discuss about theStrategic Information Systemfor Accounting Software Packages. Answer: Introduction The Literature review depicts the crucial necessity of adaptation of online accounting software packages to overcome or mitigate the challenges that used to occur in the primitive days of accounting system. The review will demonstrate the development and adaptation of Xero accounting software package in Australia, by small and medium enterprises. It will also mention the way through which the software helps the enterprises to gain competitive advantages from the marketplace. The current market size of Xero will be illustrated but at the same time the users of Xero has stated that the software is lacking certain technology based support, those market gaps or challenges are identified in this literature review. At the end of the review it will provide some recommendations or suggestions that will help to mitigate the technological challenges. History of Accounting Software Package Xero During the analysis of Xero accounting software package it has been found that, this is one of the most widely used, online accounting software. Since last four years, QuickBooks has taken the leading position among the accounting software packages but after the introduction of Xero in the year of 2006, it has become the biggest competition to QuickBooks (Qureshi et al. 2013). Mostly in Australia and New Zealand, the accounting software is used by small to medium enterprises. In terms of functionalities it was very difficult to compete, QuickBooks but Xero has even named the Forbes number 1 innovative Growth Company (Erturk and Fail 2015). The payroll management or the payroll coverage served by Xero is very efficient and it supports over 50 states. Development and Adaptation of Accounting Software Package Xero The system is still undergoing certain regular development processes in every changing year. The development of Xero is showing in the table below: Year Developing features 2008 First direct bank feed become available from Australian banking sectors (Chang et al. 2013). Paypal payment system was introduced to the existing system. 2011 Overpayment and prepayment was availed with high rise integration support system 2013 Received the first new GTS support and direct feed from US banking sectors (Mas et al. 2014). Additionally inbuilt calculator was also implemented. 2014 New balance sheet was innovated that supports the touch ID. New dashboard was also designed with attractive help center. 2015 The inventory item list was reported and the Xero also redesigned the android applications. For apple watches Xero software becomes available (Ludwig et al. 2015). 2016 It manages the stripe transaction free process completely automatically. On the ios devices it provided special invoice applications. Implemented me mobile application for the employees and updated the service system. While analyzing the adaptation of Xero accounting software package it is found that, Xero allows the users to access over, five scalable pricing plans that begins from the range of $9.4/mo (Ramasubbu and Kemerer 2014). In order to adopt these packages the users need not to maintain any contract. Each of the plans possesses by Xero, gives services to numerous numbers of users but it can provide only 1 GB storage (Lim 2013). However, according to the increasing requirements the storage can be increased, though the speed of the service will decrease. A free thirty days of trail session is also provided Xero accounting software system. The Current market size of Xero Components 2015 2014 2013 1. Revenue in subscription 2. Operating revenues 3. Entire operating revenue 4. Monthly revenue committed 5. Cash flow 6. Operational and investment related cash flow 1. 120,929 2. 2,923 3. 123,852 4. 159,339 5. 268,867 6. 88,383 1. 66,856 2. 3,248 3. 70,092 4. 94,000 5. 209,887 6. 48,397 1. 36,089 2. 2,267 3. 38,357 4. 51,530 5. 78,244 6. 20,805 After the financial structure assessment of Xero, is has been found that Xero delivers one of the strongest revenue among the Australian accounting software. In the year of 2015, the financial growth of Xero was at the pick (Kanellou and Spathis 2013). The revenue in the subscription structure, was enhanced up to 82 percent, which was initially NZ$122.70 million. On the other hand, the revenue in the constant currency subscription was of NZ$122.70 million. In this segment the growth rate enhanced up to 84 percent from the previous one. Though, the organization faced economical loss of NZ$68 million that hampered the overall strategic growth of the online accounting software package but in the beginning of the 2016, it strongly focused that they will serve the annualized commitment of monthly revenues structure of NZ$159.34 million (Chen and Hamdan 2014). At the end of 2015, Xero gain a high amount of competitive advantages from the market. The leadership team of the organization serves global leaders and the world class experts working for Xero, helps the organization to, provide sustainable growth and high scale innovative ideas. Xero is one of the true global players that help the entire business process. It also provides over 56 million of feedback around the world (Taipaleenmki and Ikheimo 2013). The number of passionate staffs involved in the working domain of online accounting software is round 1,162 and t has over 20 offices all over the world. Apart from this, it also has a global management team (Martnez-Fernndez, Chuvieco and Koutsias 2013). In the year of 2014, Xero announced that they are establishing a partnership management along with KPMG, UK, NZ and BDO (South Africa) also. Identification of Leaders in the Market that gives them Competitive Advantages During analysis of different online accounting software packages certain features are identified. Based on that features the software packages are compared (Artho et al. 2012). In order to select the most suitable software packages among Xero, MYOB, Saasu, QuickBooks and Reckon the features an their comparative features are identified. Xero costs $25 per month and the investment made by the organization is lesser than the others. It allows multiple users to access the system at a time. It provides a cloud based solution and the users are capable to share their views with others on a single platform (Mas et al. 2014). The development of the system is very costly and the online payment process is also available with bank feed operation. The payroll management served by Xero can add more features to the existing system. Calculation and tracking of the GTS is also possible for Xero. Still, the market status states that though Xero possesses many features but MYOB and QuickBooks are getting most of the competitive advantages from the competitive marketplace. Current Gap or Challenges Encountered by the users of Xero During analysis of the current gap or challenges faced by the users of Xero online accounting software packages the identified challenges are as follows: Ongoing monthly fees: The users of Xero are bound to make deal on a monthly basis (Qureshi et al. 2013). Rather than direct buying of the product the users are allowed to access the Xero files on a subscription package system. The speed and the quality of the internet connection: In order to establish access to Xero, internet connection is needed (Artho et al. 2012). The application served by Xero, is quite time saving and the users those who have a weak internet connection cannot use the service. Security: It is another major challenge faces by Xero. If the user does not possess a string password then the details of can get hijacked and misused. Conclusion From the overall discussion it can be concluded that Xero is one of the most well known online accounting software, served in Australia and New Zealand. The literature review has mentioned the history, development and adaptation of online accounting software packages. The current market size of Xero is also beating the other services in terms of revenue structure. Though, Xero possesses many technical features similarly it also has many drawbacks oriented to the system. Many small to medium businesses have adopted the online accounting software packages to mitigate the challenges that used to occur during the management of traditional payroll system. However, the users have encountered certain challenges that they faces during their daily applications. In order to overcome those challenges some technology based recommendations are provided at the end of the literature review. Recommendations to Xero Selection of invoice: Xero has limited invoice section processes. Thus the users of the accounting software were unable to share their views whenever required. In order to mitigate this issue they should adopt proper invoice or feedback system so that the users can share their personal experiences with others on a same platform. Job costing feature adaptation: Die to lack of job costing features Xero is facing major challenges all over the world. In order to overcome this drawback the organization is needed to adopt other technology based features. Mobile application: The mobile application used by Xero is not enough secured and advanced. On the other hand, the mobile applications served by other accounting software packages are very advanced. In order to give tough competition to other online software packages, the development team should improve their mobile application. Semi steep learning curve: The semi steep learning curve is required to be developed so that the market growth could analyze well. References Artho, C., Suzaki, K., Di Cosmo, R., Treinen, R. and Zacchiroli, S., 2012, June. Why do software packages conflict?. InProceedings of the 9th IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories(pp. 141-150). IEEE Press. Chang, B.R., Tsai, H.F., Chen, C.Y. and Tsai, Y.C., 2015. Assessment of In-Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning System Performed in a Virtual Cluster.Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2015. Chen, C.K. and Hamdan, M., 2014. An Exploratory Study of Information Technology Adoption by SMEs in Brunei Darussalam.World,4(2). Erturk, E. and Fail, D., 2015. Information technology in New Zealand: Review of emerging social trends, current issues, and policies.arXiv preprint arXiv:1504.07012. Kanellou, A. and Spathis, C., 2013. Accounting benefits and satisfaction in an ERP environment.International Journal of Accounting Information Systems,14(3), pp.209-234. Lim, F.P.C., 2013. Impact of Information Technology on Accounting Systems.Asia-PasificJornal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities and Socialgy,3(2), pp.93-106. Ludwig, B., Sawallisch, A., Heinze, S., Joergensen, R.G. and Vohland, M., 2015. Usefulness of middle infrared spectroscopy for an estimation of chemical and biological soil propertiesUnderlying principles and comparison of different software packages.Soil Biology and Biochemistry,86, pp.116-125. Martnez-Fernndez, J., Chuvieco, E. and Koutsias, N., 2013. Modelling long-term fire occurrence factors in Spain by accounting for local variations with geographically weighted regression.Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences,13(2), pp.311-327. Mas, J.F., Kolb, M., Paegelow, M., Olmedo, M.T.C. and Houet, T., 2014. Inductive pattern-based land use/cover change models: A comparison of four software packages.Environmental Modelling Software,51, pp.94-111. Qureshi, M.E., Whitten, S.M., Mainuddin, M., Marvanek, S. and Elmahdi, A., 2013. A biophysical and economic model of agriculture and water in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia.Environmental Modelling Software,41, pp.98-106. Ramasubbu, N. and Kemerer, C.F., 2014. Managing technical debt in enterprise software packages.IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,40(8), pp.758-772. Taipaleenmki, J. and Ikheimo, S., 2013. On the convergence of management accounting and financial accountingthe role of information technology in accounting change.International Journal of Accounting Information Systems,14(4), pp.321-348.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Internet Legislation Essays (864 words) - Media Technology

Internet Legislation Internet Legislation With the recent popularity of the Internet many topics concerning it have hit main street media. One of these topics is legislation to control its certain aspects. Legislation is now one of the feuded discussions when it comes to the Internet, and through my report I hope to shed some light on this topic of conterversy. The Internet by definition is an international web of interconnected government, education, and business computer networks--in essence, a network of networks. A person at a computer terminal or personal computer with the proper software communicates across the Internet by placing data in an Internet Protocol (IP) packet--an electronic envelope--and "addressing" the packet to a particular destination on the Internet. Communications software on the intervening networks between the source and destination networks. And these collections of networks linking millions of servers (computers) together, where in essence one computer can access info from another. The Internet was first formed in the lats 60's by the military as a form of communication incase of nuclear attack. Just recently in 1984 is when it was first opened to the everyday consumer as a form of communication. After a few years of mild aknowledgement of its assistance, From a thousand or so networks in the mid- 1980s, the Internet has grown to an estimated 30,000 connected networks in 1994 with about 25 million people having access to it. it all of a sudden boomed with popularity with networks expanding at an exponential rate. And with the networks came multi billionaire business such as American Online. Along with information the Internet has links to other more unmoral forms of entertainment, on of these is pornography, "porn" of the past few years has taken up more than one half of the web pages on the Internet (about 4 out of 10 web pages are porn) a number which has caused much dismay with users and nonusers alike. Those who support porn on the Internet say its with in there rights and everybody should have access to it. But parents are afraid that the Internet carries a large number of minor users who with almost no Internet experience can access porn. Only Legislation that currently exsists is We start with the federal Communications Decency Act of 1996, a controversial piece of legislation signed into law by President Clinton on February 8, 1996, and now under legal challenge by the American Civil Liberties Union and others. The Communications Decency Act bans the communication of "obscene or indecent" material via the Internet to anyone under 18 years of age. (Telecommunications Act of 1996, Section 502, 47 U.S.C. Section 223[a].) Probably the most conterversial of topics on legislation, is the right of free speech on the Internet, currently the Internet has no laws preventing anything said on the Internet. But supporters of the bill say that the Internet should follow the same guidelines concerning speech as the public television does (in part because of the large number of young children on the net) Opposes of the Internet legislation it is within there freedom of speech to say what ever they wish. Currently there are many bills that are being voted on to carry out a ban on free speech. If this bill is passed all servers will have a program embedded in there speech prossers that when ever a word against the law is written it will come out something like this ("*%^$#) Hate pages is probably the next topic that surrounds conterversy many cults and hate organizations such as the KKK or the Neo Nazis have set up pages on the Internet spreading what many say are lies in hopes of recruiting new members. Hate pages are springing up at an alarming 30,000 a year. Tough there is no legislation banning this many servers including Geo cities Netscape, Ichat, have banned these pages. Current legislation that is on the net is few. There are the basic laws that limit all communication uses but other than that there's not much else. There are laws against the display of minors in pornography, hacking in all its forms are banned, the sale of narcotics and or weapons are also banned thought the Internet, and the rest is up the of the servers and online users. But it is nearly impossible to pass any other laws because many claim the right is given through them in the constitution In conclusion the Internet is a very valuable tool with many uses if used properly, I myself have become annoyed with porn, and free speech, because it limits the info on the net (such as I try